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IETM Sofia 2024


Charlotte Mors og Anne Hübertz deltager i dette års IETM Plenary Meeting, som finder sted i Sofia, Bulgarien, præcis et år efter, vi selv var værter for mødet i Aarhus.

Årets tema sætter fokus på dét at brænde for noget - uden at brænde ud;

“Over the past two years, IETM has delved into the burning topics of fairness, equal pay, proper working conditions, the climate crisis, climate justice, Indigenous knowledge and greening practices. Through our exploration, we have argued for alternative funding models and the importance of climate justice, and strived to highlight the opportunities and responsibilities of the performing arts within both. In 2024, we aim to embrace our discoveries and design a fair, green and inclusive ‘new international’ vision for the sector, drawing on all that we have learnt. On this journey, the IETM Sofia Plenary Meeting is our key destination.”

IETM Sofia finder sted d. 12-15. juni 2024, og kontoret vil derfor være lukket den uge.

Se hele programmet for IETM Sofia her.

3. juni

Scenekunstens årsmøde

12. juni

Træning: Sharing Movements